How do specific foods affect your energy?
Does food carry a particular energy that affects how you feel? Think about how you feel after a big Thanksgiving meal- after all that...

DIY Carrot Cake 'Larabars'
Larabars are one of my go to snacks, especially on busy days when I'm looking for something sweet without all the processed ingredients. ...

What are the best fats?
We all love fatty foods. The combo of fat and sugar (think ice cream or cake) or fat and salt (french fries, potato chips) is especially...

3 Ways to Break Through a Plateau
Hitting a plateau in your healthy living journey can be extremely frustrating, but the good news is that it's normal and there are many...

5 Health Goals to Choose From for 2018
Happy New Year! Resolutions and goals can be fun to make, but we all know most of them fail. Instead of overwhelming yourself with goals...

New course! Nutrition for Runners
The Runner’s Fit and Fueled course will begin Tuesday, January 2, 2018! What is it? A month long course consisting of 6 modules with...

A few problems with What the Health
Have you seen the documentary, 'What the Health'? My husband and I watched it together, and it has led to some interesting questions and...

How insulin causes belly fat (and what to do about it)
One of the biggest contributors to excess fat, especially belly fat, is high levels of insulin. Insulin resistance, diabetes, metabolic...

Should I eat dairy products, or avoid them?
Dairy products like milk, yogurt and cheese have become very controversial. Many popular diets, including paleo and vegan lifestyles,...

Should I focus more on fitness or nutrition?
If I can only focus on one, which is better- exercise or diet? This is a common question, and a smart one. It's very difficult to work...