Reset for Runners starts in two weeks
Yay, it’s back!
I love hosting these resets and winter is by far my favorite time of year to do them. I’d much rather do a little extra strength indoors this time of year.
The next Runner’s Reset will begin Monday, February 27th!

Who is it for?
Runners who want to commit to healthier food choices and learn how to shift into fat burning… especially helpful for those who struggle with body composition and/or weight maintenance.
I share a lot of info in these 21 days… from both the nutrition side, running training and strength resources. We look at micro-nutrient balance, macro-nutrient balance, how to build lean muscle as a runner, metabolism tricks/tips and metobolic efficiency.
Bonus we have an awesome trainer/group fitness instructor/ yoga instructor joining us for weekly strength workouts and live tips on the Facebook page!
And I know that there is a bit of variance in what will work for YOU and your body type- so we’ll look at some individualized factors too.
Plus there is the option to get a box of my favorite clean products for boosting nutrients, good health, and muscle support.
All of the details are here… let me know if you have questions! Or if you are a previous participant, reach out and I have a discount code for you!
PS- I’m leading a FB live event next week on protein for runners: how much do we really need, what sources are best, what is too much, and the appropriate timing.
Email if you’d like to be added to this event!
Do you focus more on strength in the winter?
Is the nutrition piece or the workout piece more of a struggle for you? For me, it’s always been the nutrition- I love my workouts! But finding the right balance of nutrients took a lot of experimenting… and the right balance of sweets, my favorite!